After an hiatus, Ediflora is back.
Ediflora has taken this time to read up more on nutrition and has become a total fan-boy of Dr. Michael Greger and his Nutrition Facts site of information. There’s a wealth of information on the latest studies and findings that he summarizes almost too easily into readily digestible bits that often make perfect sense.
The experience of having been away, and spending a night in the hospital, has reinforced this impression I already had that hospitals are no place that I ever want to spend significant time if I can help it.
So if I want to live long and healthy, then I need to do what makes the most sense: eat the plants that Mother Nature put here to sustain us. We don’t need to eat meat that is eating plants, we need to just eat the plants.
Ediflora will continue along. I’m going to back fill with some reviews of veg-friendly places we ate and some new items we continue to prepare. Bon Appétit!