I’m on a hunt for the best biscuits and gravy in Southern California. To read reviews, Sage is supposed to be a contender. A small, local chain of plant-based bistros in Los Angeles, the Echo Park location is by far the closest, so we headed up there. Eight-twenty on a Sunday morning and they weren’t able to serve anything, because the woman said their cook hadn’t shown up. I probably should have stopped there, but I really wanted those biscuits.
Fortunately, there was another location up the road in Pasadena, and since weekend mornings are the time to run around town here, we headed on up to Old Town to check the place out.
Interestingly, it couldn’t have been more different. This location had really lovely patio seating in a nice courtyard setting off the street. The Echo Park location had struck me as a lot more run down.
We made ourselves comfortable, and settled in for that aforementioned biscuits and gravy, their version using tempeh as the lumpy dark bits. I’m not tempeh’s biggest fan.
I’m still not tempeh’s biggest fan, but it wasn’t a bad version. I’m not sure I would order it again though.

Sage Plant Based Bistro is 100% Vegan and therefore has a VegScore of 100.