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Posts published in “Ediflora”

The Kids Need to Go Vegan

This article from Fatherly sums of the state of things and the need to start instilling some new values in our current crop of young Global citizens. While it wasn’t their fault that we are where we are today, we do still have the ability to put the…

Yes! Burritos again

One of the things I have always liked to do is to make sure there substantial things on hand to always be able to throw a good meal together on the fly. There’s nearly always a grain on hand in the fridge and some sort of bean/legume/pulse that…

Results – Veggie Dinner Party

I wasn’t able to post anything for the past few days, because boy was this a lot of work. Friday and Saturday were both about 11 hour days and that was in addition to all of the time that was also spent Monday through Thursday. It was worth…

Backfill – Dinner Party – Day 3

Here’s the menu. Much of it comes from Eric Tucker’s The Millennium Cookbook and The Artful Vegan. Both of them seem to have excellent ideas, though I find, in all honesty, that I can’t follow the recipes as written. Each one that I tried in advance has needed…

Dinner Party Prep – Day 4

Planning a meal like this is not easy. Who would think that Brown Rice Syrup would be the one thing on my list that I have yet to find. One stored promised it might be in tomorrow. I already want to just find a good substitute. Same with…

Dinner Party Prep – Day 1

I’ve been working on planning a dinner party for next weekend. I’m super excited. I tested out a couple of the recipes last week to pretty good results once I was willing to tweak them to my one taste. I did most of the shopping for the rest…

Millennium: A Review – Oakland, CA

Just go. This was one of the very best meals I have ever had, period. Full stop. I’d been getting excited in the days leading up to our reservation, reading and re-reading the menu. Each time gasping a little bit and truly in a quandary over what I…

Laffa: A Review – Tulsa, OK

Of all the places that we tried on the road, I wished would have had a bit more time to spend at Laffa in Tulsa’s Brady Arts District just outside of the downtown core. First of all, their menu, which happily runs the gamut from all over the…

Rebel Donuts: A Review – Albuquerque, NM

I’m not sure why, but when I woke up Sunday morning in bleak, dreary Gallup, NM, (sorry Gallup CoC) I wanted a donut. I didn’t say anything. It’s not helpful to want things you (think you) can’t have. Donuts are not very whole food plant based, since they…