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Posts published in “Making it Work”

Apple Picking

Heading out to the apple orchard to see what Fall delights we can bring home. Super-excited.  I’m think pumpkin and cider are givens.  What else should we get?

Things that Don’t Suck

Okay … so try this.  We took our date goo and added this wicked-good black onyx cocoa from Savory Spice to create this outlandish chocolate sauce.  That mixed into some pureed Okianawan sweeet potatoes.  Oh my goodness.  And back the fuck off!  You can’t say anything.  It tastes…

Shopping Trip

Started early this morning putting together breakfast for Sweetie: mashed sweet potatoes, topped with frozen straw, black and blueberries and my Crazy Good No SOS Granola. He also got the rest of the wheat berries, topped with some roasted purple potatoes, purple beans and some sauteed mushrooms that…

What Do I Eat?

Some people wonder from time to time just what one might eat on any given day.  Here’s the way it played out for me today. Got up later than usual this morning and lifted some weights.  By about 10 I sat down and had a bowl of my…

Shizen: Review – San Francisco

Continuing our Japanese West Coast dining tour, we tried a popular vegan “sushi” restaurant, Shizen. Located in a newer building on the corner of 14th and Valencia in San Francisco’s rapidly gentrifying Mission District, Shizen sells itself as a new way of thinking about sustainable sushi.  As a…

Stop destroying each other in the name of purity

The Impossible Burger debate was a test for vegans, and we failed. Lurking on some vegan Facebook groups I can totally see this play out.  People are mean. I actually have wondered if some of the people aren’t a part of the animal exploitation industry trying to sow…

Date Goo

One of the bigger challenges of a whole foods plant based way of eating is how to introduce some sweetness into recipes without refined sugar.  Now some of the experts will say that a small amount of refined sugar is not the end of the world and others…