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Posts tagged as “Chicago”

Chickpea Tajine with Preserved Lemons – Pressure Cooker Edition

I began by getting out some dried chickpeas to soak. I currently have three types on hand and took 1/2 cup of each: regular white, some brown and finally black. I put them into a glass dish with two bay leaves and covered them with water. While they…

Happy Halloween!

Preparing for trick-or-treaters.  There are A LOT of kids here.  Can’t wait to start thinking about and prepping for Thanksgiving beginning tomorrow!


We’ve had company over the past weekend so I’ve been busy and haven’t posted anything.  I was going to say I hadn’t posted a lot, but that’s clearly a bunch of bullshit. I haven’t posted anything.  I’ve made a lot, I just haven’t let all of my adoring…

Shopping Trip

Started early this morning putting together breakfast for Sweetie: mashed sweet potatoes, topped with frozen straw, black and blueberries and my Crazy Good No SOS Granola. He also got the rest of the wheat berries, topped with some roasted purple potatoes, purple beans and some sauteed mushrooms that…

What Do I Eat?

Some people wonder from time to time just what one might eat on any given day.  Here’s the way it played out for me today. Got up later than usual this morning and lifted some weights.  By about 10 I sat down and had a bowl of my…

Crazy-Good No SOS Granola

I’m addicted to this stuff and I can’t get enough.  This is my current favorite snack and I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have this around as my go-to when I don’t feel like making something. Here’s what I do: Ingredients: (this varies from…

Arya Bhavan: Review – Chicago

We’d been reading up on the benefits of amla powder and I was wanting to get some to add into our diet.  On the North side of Chicago, there are several blocks known as Little India that I thought would be a good place to seek out this…