The Impossible Burger debate was a test for vegans, and we failed. Lurking on some vegan Facebook groups I can totally see this play out. People are mean. I actually have wondered if some of the people aren’t a part of the animal exploitation industry trying to sow…
Posts tagged as “Chicago”
I didn’t do too much today, but since hubby cleaned out the slaw, I decided I should make another batch, because I am really loving having the cabbage around. I freakin’ love cabbage these days. It ends up being so crisp, and so sweet. And it’s so cheap!…
Another nice effect of having lost weight through WFPB eating is that this summer seems a lot more tolerable without the 50 pound fat suit.
After an hiatus, Ediflora is back. Ediflora has taken this time to read up more on nutrition and has become a total fan-boy of Dr. Michael Greger and his Nutrition Facts site of information. There’s a wealth of information on the latest studies and findings that he summarizes…
We try to make as much of our own food as we can, including starting last some Fall to make some of our own staple items, like my own mustard, salad dressings, butter substitutes and more. I love knowing each specific ingredient in everything we use. So it…
Out running errands again today (do you see a theme here) and took hubby along Devon Ave on the north side of Chicago, where, as it approaches Western, there are a lot of South Asian businesses. It’s a really unique few blocks. I’d read about an Indian place that…