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Posts tagged as “homemade”

Because Pumpkin Spice

Continued breaking down apples today.  The first batch went into the dehydrator, because I do love me some dried apples.  I got a thicker cut on them today and I think they’re going to be a little chippier tomorrow.  The last batch were a little too thin.  I…

The Third Ring of Hell

After having gone out to JonaMac Orchard way out in Malta, IL, and picked up a shitload, though I think the technical term might be a bushel, of apples and other assorted goodies.  I started peeling this morning and have about a peck (another technical term) of apples…

Apple Picking

Heading out to the apple orchard to see what Fall delights we can bring home. Super-excited.  I’m think pumpkin and cider are givens.  What else should we get?

Things that Don’t Suck

Okay … so try this.  We took our date goo and added this wicked-good black onyx cocoa from Savory Spice to create this outlandish chocolate sauce.  That mixed into some pureed Okianawan sweeet potatoes.  Oh my goodness.  And back the fuck off!  You can’t say anything.  It tastes…

Shopping Trip

Started early this morning putting together breakfast for Sweetie: mashed sweet potatoes, topped with frozen straw, black and blueberries and my Crazy Good No SOS Granola. He also got the rest of the wheat berries, topped with some roasted purple potatoes, purple beans and some sauteed mushrooms that…

What Do I Eat?

Some people wonder from time to time just what one might eat on any given day.  Here’s the way it played out for me today. Got up later than usual this morning and lifted some weights.  By about 10 I sat down and had a bowl of my…

Crazy-Good No SOS Granola

I’m addicted to this stuff and I can’t get enough.  This is my current favorite snack and I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have this around as my go-to when I don’t feel like making something. Here’s what I do: Ingredients: (this varies from…

Mac N Cheez

Okay, I have to admit that I’ve yet to be a fan of fake Mac N Cheez because no part of it ever tasted like any part of the name.  Until now. Last night I whipped up decadent version of the tasty classic that I could not stop…