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Posts tagged as “homemade”

Cole’s Law

I didn’t do too much today, but since hubby cleaned out the slaw, I decided I should make another batch, because I am really loving having the cabbage around.  I freakin’ love cabbage these days.  It ends up being so crisp, and so sweet.  And it’s so cheap!…

Date Goo

One of the bigger challenges of a whole foods plant based way of eating is how to introduce some sweetness into recipes without refined sugar.  Now some of the experts will say that a small amount of refined sugar is not the end of the world and others…

Chocolate Chia + Flax Pudding

I’ve been reading recipes for making chia seed puddings and while I could totally see  how it would work, hadn’t actually gone about doing it.  Until now. That was easy, peasy and probably super nutritious.  I woke up this morning and wasn’t hungry like usual. Take 1/3 cup…

Maitake Barley Soup

We had a delicious barley soup the other day at The Chicago Diner that I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about.  This was my attempt at that soup with what we have on hand. 1 1/2 cups reconstituted dried maitake mushrooms, chopped 2 small carrots, sliced thin…