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Posts tagged as “EatPlants!”

Crazy-Good No SOS Granola

I’m addicted to this stuff and I can’t get enough.  This is my current favorite snack and I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have this around as my go-to when I don’t feel like making something. Here’s what I do: Ingredients: (this varies from…

Shizen: Review – San Francisco

Continuing our Japanese West Coast dining tour, we tried a popular vegan “sushi” restaurant, Shizen. Located in a newer building on the corner of 14th and Valencia in San Francisco’s rapidly gentrifying Mission District, Shizen sells itself as a new way of thinking about sustainable sushi.  As a…

Cole’s Law

I didn’t do too much today, but since hubby cleaned out the slaw, I decided I should make another batch, because I am really loving having the cabbage around.  I freakin’ love cabbage these days.  It ends up being so crisp, and so sweet.  And it’s so cheap!…

Protein is protein

This was a great article with a lot of information I wasn’t actually familiar with.  The idea that we need to eat “complete” proteins needs to be debunked.  As well as the idea that people on a plant-based diet don’t get enough protein. Vegetarian Protein Is Just As…

Blueberry Season

Woke up to rain in Chicagoland, which we were needing as it was rather hot the last couple of days and I was having to water my container vegetables that were looking a bit droopy.  Months ago I’d marked on my calendar to think about heading to Michigan…

Balinese Food

A couple of years ago we were fortunate enough to travel to Bali.  We started talking the other day and it came up on a short list of places to visit.  This popped up in one of my feeds and reading about the dishes was making me drool…

We’re back!

After an hiatus, Ediflora is back. Ediflora has taken this time to read up more on nutrition and has become a total fan-boy of Dr. Michael Greger and his Nutrition Facts site of information.  There’s a wealth of information on the latest studies and findings that he summarizes…